Fascinating Facts About GooGle You Didn't Know Before
Google is become a part of our lifestyle. When we need to search anything, the first thing come in our mind is Google. Let us read out some exciting facts of the Google, I bet you didn't know most the facts below.
If I missed something about Google, comment down below.
- Google was originally named as "Backrub!".
Backrub search engine - Google is the incorrect form of 'Googol' which mean number 1 with 100 zeroes behind it.
- Every minute, 2 million (20 lakhs) searches are performed on Google.
- Since 2010, Google is acquiring 2 companies every month. See the full list of companies acquired by Google, click here.
- In 2004, Gmail was introduced with 2GB of cloud storage while Hotmail offered only 2MB. (Unbelievable!!! )
- Google consists of 9 Million of servers.
Google Server Room - On August 16 2013, Google went down for 5 minutes and during this. the global internet traffic dropped by 40%.
- Type "I want to suicide " in Google search. It will display a suicide helpline number of your country above all the results.
- Every minute, average 270,000 words are written in Blogger which is a Google product.
- George bell, the CEO of 'Excite ' rejected to buy google when it was offered to him for 1 million dollars in 1999. Bad decision !!
- Google Adsense earns 20 US $ Billion a year from advertising.
- Google hired camels to record Street View of the deserts. Check it out, At Liwa Oasis, UAE.
- Google's first was " I'm feeling lucky " written in binary code.
- Google hires Goats, Yes, read that right. Google hires goats from a company called California Grazing to cut down weeds and unwanted grasses instead of petrol mower. Hmmm!! Eco-friendly.
Google HQ, Goats - The lady who gave her garage to Larry page and Sergey brin to create Google, later she became the CEO of YouTube.
- Google has the largest network of translator in the World.
- Google Sky gives you a view of space, stars, constellations, galaxies and planets. Check it out, CLICK HERE
- Alphabet is the Google's new parent company. Google is working for Alphabet.
Alphabet's Family Tree - Lary and Sergey's private planes have runways in NASA, where no other planes have access to land.
- Google's first storage was made of Lego building blocks.
- Google mirror is very interesting site by Google where everything looks rotated. http://elgoog.im/ here you'll get several funny & exciting things like gravity, Underwater and more.
If I missed something about Google, comment down below.
Fascinating Facts About GooGle You Didn't Know Before
Reviewed by Dazzler Kumar
May 12, 2016

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